Female Condoms

How does it work?
Female condoms offer a great alternative to the male condom for vaginal sex. Some gay men and heterosexual couples use the female condom for anal sex; however, this has not been tested and is not yet approved. If you’re considering using the female condom for anal sex it’s important that you use it correctly. Here are some tips on proper usage:
- You can put the female condom over the erect penis, then lubricate and enter slowly.
- You can manually insert the female condom into the vagina or rectum then enter with the erect lubricated penis. To do this you need to:
Find a comfortable position.
Squeeze together the sides of the inner small ring (at the closed end of the condom) between the thumb and middle finger. (Some prefer to take out the small ring before insertion to make the condom more comfortable for anal sex).
Push/slide the condom into the vagina or rectum by putting a finger inside and pushing the small ring inside as far as possible. (optional, you may have already removed it).
Make sure the part of the condom with the outer ring is outside the body. The outer ring will lie flat against the body when the penis is inside the condom.
Immediately after intercourse, take out the condom by gently twisting the outer ring and pulling the condom out, making sure that no semen is spilled.
Contact one of our Health Educators if you need free condoms in North County San Diego.